Got employee problems that seems to cripple your business? 

Mishandled HR problems can cost your business a lot. The labor law favors the worker for "all doubts", unless you are well-prepared with the necessary documents or evidences. 

Employees productivity and efficiency need to be monitored as well. We provide practical training needs analysis and performance evaluation to ensure the growth and stability of your business. 

Be guided. We are here to assist you!  

For only TEN THOUSAND (PhP10,000) PESOS monthly retainer fee, your company shall enjoy: 

1. Unlimited consultation on labor matters with our senior labor consultants and / or HR practitioners; 

2. Once or twice a week visit to your office premises to monitor and guide your internal staff on the proper HR procedures mandated by law; 

3. Provide you HR templates necessary for mandatory legal documentation; 

4. Provide you regular guidance on the labor laws and its implementing rules and regulations;

5. Provide corporate training when necessary to ensure stability and profitability of the company; 

6. Provide support on recruitment or manpower selection; 

Other requirements or reduced rate may be discussed upon in a personal conference either in our office premises or yours.

Looking forward to be of service to your prestigious organization! 

BCIDP Law Office & General Consultancy
A Member of AEB Group of Companies 
Suite 201, San Andres St., 
Malate, Manila, Philippines 
Tel. No. (+632) 484-4706 Viber /